

这项政策正在审批过程中. 批准后,将在教职员手册第5800节中找到. 下面是该政策的简要概述.

“Covered Individuals” who are party to a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program are prohibited from serving as PI or key/senior personnel, 或者是实质性的贡献, 为科学发展或执行联邦研究提供有意义的途径.

This prohibition currently only applies to proposals and awards for federally funded research & 发展奖励和国防部基础研究建议或奖励.


  1. 主要研究者和其他高级/关键人员寻求或接受 联邦研究和发展资金; or
  2. (a)在实质性工作中作出贡献的个人, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of a research and development project proposed to be carried out with a 研究及发展奖 from a federal research agency; and (b) is designated as a covered individual by the federal research agency concerned; or
  3. 获得全部或部分由联合国资助的提案或奖项的个人 国防部 谁(a)对a的设计或执行有重大贡献 基础研究项目, and (b) is considered essential to the successful performance of the 基础研究项目.

The federal government defines a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program as any program, 位置, 或满足以下测试两个部分的活动.


  1. 擅自转让知识产权的, 材料, 数据产品, 或其他非公开信息
  2. recruitment of trainees or researchers to enroll in such program, 位置, or activity
  3. establishing a laboratory or entity in violation of the standard terms and conditions of a Federal research award
  4. 接受教师职位, or undertaking any other employment or appointment in violation of the standard terms and conditions of a Federal research award
  5. being unable to terminate the foreign talent recruitment program contract or agreement except in extraordinary circumstances
  6. 在执行联邦研究奖励的能力上受到限制
  7. 要求从事与联邦研究奖励重叠或重复的工作
  8. requirement to apply for and successfully receive funding from the sponsoring foreign government’s funding agencies with the sponsoring foreign organization as the recipient
  9. requirement to omit acknowledgment of the US home institution and/or the federal funding agency
  10. requirement not to disclose participation of such individual in such program, 位置, or activity
  11. having a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment contrary to Federal research award


  1. a foreign country of concern or entity based in a foreign country of concern as defined in 42 usc§19237(二)、(三).
  2. 一个学术机构 这个名单发展起来了 约翰法典第1286(c)(8)条. 麦凯恩2019财年国防授权法案.
  3. 一个外国人才招聘计划上 这个名单发展起来了 约翰法典第1286(c)(9)条. 麦凯恩2019财年国防授权法案.

审查 42 usc§19237(2)、(3)为当前关注外国名单.

国防部在 srt.首席技术官.毫升/ stpp / mta. 在与此名单上的机构接触之前,建议谨慎行事.


  • 向下滚动并选择“国防部研究安全资源”.“更多的选择将会出现.
  • Select the document titled “Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Lists Published in Response to Section 1286 of the John S. 经修订的2019财年麦凯恩国防授权法案(公法115-232).”

以上列表并非排他性的. A foreign talent recruitment program may meet all the requirements of a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program and not be on the list.

The following international collaboration activities are not foreign talent recruitment programs, 如果他们没有得到资助, 有组织的, 或由学术机构或国外人才招聘项目管理 第1286(c)条第(8)和(9)段规定的清单. 本财政年度麦凯恩国防授权法案:

  1. Making scholarly presentations and publishing written 材料 regarding scientific information not otherwise controlled under current law;
  2. 参加国际会议或其他国际交流, research projects or programs that involve open and reciprocal exchange of scientific information, and which are aimed at advancing international scientific understanding and not otherwise controlled under current law;
  3. Advising a foreign student enrolled at an institution of higher education or writing a recommendation for such a student, at such student's request; and
  4. 从事下列国际活动:
    1. Activities that are partly sponsored or otherwise supported by the United States such as serving as a government appointee to the board of a joint scientific fund (e.g.,美国.S. Israel Binational Industrial 研究 and Development Foundation); providing advice to or otherwise participating in international technical organizations, 多边科学组织, 标准制定机构(如.g., the International Telecommunications Union, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, etc.); participating in a Fulbright Commission program funded in whole or in part by a host country government; or other routine international scientific exchanges and interactions such as providing invited lectures or participating in international peer review panels.
    2. Involvement in national or international academies or professional societies that produce publications in the open scientific literature that are not in conflict with the interests of the federal research agency (e.g.(教皇科学院或皇家学会会员).
    3. 休假, 担任访问365滚球官网, or engaging in continuing education activities such as receiving a do首席技术官rate or professional certification at an institution of higher education (e.g., 牛津大学, McGill University) that are not in conflict with the interests of the federal research agency.
    4. Receiving awards for research and development which serve to enhance the prestige of the federal research agency (e.g.(诺贝尔奖).
    5. Other international activities determined appropriate by the federal research agency head or designee.

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